The Injustice Files, Emmett Till -Trayvon Martin - Beauchamp

The Gist of Freedom   Preserving American History through Black Literature . . . show

Summary: Join The Gist of Freedom as we welcome Filmmaker Keith Beauchamp (The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till)   Keith returns to The ID Channel with– THE INJUSTICE FILES: HOOD OF SUSPICION  Premieres on Wednesday, February @ 8 PM   Join us in NYC this weekend   "Modern day self-defense laws, such as Florida’s Stand Your Ground law which was invoked in the Trayvon Martin case, and the Castle Doctrine – which states that a person has no duty to retreat when their home is attacked – continue to perpetuate the pattern of discrimination against African Americans. THE INJUSTICE FILES: HOOD OF SUSPICION examines three such recent cases, including: ROBBIE TOLAN: Bellaire, TX, REKIA BOYD: Chicago, IL and John McNeil "