01 "How To Eat Soup"; "Introduction"; "Window Smoochers"; "Low Trick, A"; "When To Go"; ""Ain't""; "Nell the Nibbler"; "Justice"; "Puzzle, A"; "Frankness"; "Duty of the Strong, The"; "Walking with Papa"; "Piano Torture"; "At Table"; "Baby's Apology"; "In

Librivox: More Goops and How Not to Be Them by Burgess, Gelett show

Summary: 01 "How To Eat Soup"; "Introduction"; "Window Smoochers"; "Low Trick, A"; "When To Go"; ""Ain't""; "Nell the Nibbler"; "Justice"; "Puzzle, A"; "Frankness"; "Duty of the Strong, The"; "Walking with Papa"; "Piano Torture"; "At Table"; "Baby's Apology"; "In the Street"; "Sick Furniture"; "Borrowed Plumes"; "Goop Picnic, The"; "Book-Manners"; "Poor Mother!"; "Cheating"; "Goop! Goop! Goop!"; "Visiting"; "Picking and Stealing"; "Loyalty"; "Indolence"; "Law of Hospitality, The"; "Flower Hospital, The"; "Puppy Goops"; "Exaggeration"; "Noise! Noise! Noise!"; "Stealing Rides"; "Untidy Goops"; "Goop Party, A"; "Inquisitiveness"; "Don't Be Good"; "Write Right!"; "Wet Feet"; "Dress Quickly!"; "Danger!"; "Reason Why, The"; "In Goop Attire"; "Impossible"