tonebenders show

Summary: Tonebenders / Episode Two In Episode 2, titled Getting Out & Recording, the podcast rolls out its first 2 pre-produced feature stories. Up first is "Building Your Own Field Recording Kit", where co-host Rene Coronado looks at what makes a good kit and what gear is best to splurge on and where it can be smart to be frugal. The next feature, by Timothy Muirhead, covers techniques used in recording animals in the wild, as well as domesticated pets. Both feature stories are followed with Q&A sessions that go into further depth on these topics. Finally, we wrap the show up with highlights of recent news stories that affect the worlds of sound design and audio post production. Topics include the shutdown of operations at Sound One in New York, the new release of Sound Forge for Macintosh, and a few others as well. Links from the show: Sony Field Recorders Line Audio Line Audio CM3 Thread via Gearslutz Sony Soundforge Digital Domain Bankruptcy Audiofile Engineering WaveEditor/Triumph Sound One Closure