Own The Racecourse Part 7 – Refine

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: As you observe what works and what doesn't in your business, you can make adjustments to your offers, tools, and the way you do things. This will ensure that you are making optimal use of your resources and running your business in the best way you know how. Next module: Summary   Tweetables: People are interested in things that are here, NOW. [Click To Tweet]. Keep tuning in to your audience. [Click To Tweet].   Do you prefer text? here you go.... Part 7: Using the data gathered optimize future content creation, production and syndication. The point here is we need to refine. Fine tune your notes in Evernote. When I look at my likes and dislike metrics from YouTube views, I go and make a note in Evernote. When I get metrics from Analytics that show me search queries are getting good exposure, for example, I started ranking well for the phrase Wistia, so I just make a note in Evernote. Maybe I’ll do a post where the topic is something about Wistia and I’ll put that in the page title and that will just reinforce an already good ranking. Now if I have 10 separate pages, ranking for Wistia, Google will start to think my site is quite an authority on that phrase and it will lend me some favour. Adjust your templates for ScreenFlow editing. I open up a template for ScreenFlow so when I want to record, it’s very easy. I just drop in my RAW file, the intro and outro is already there. All I have to do is adjust the colour, check the volume, cut out my edit points and render. It is a 15 minute process. Change the design layout. You will get info from your heatmap and opt-ins. Just keep tweaking it. Change the colours, keep moving things around but test it. My site has probably had 50 changes since I’ve started. But whatever SuperFastBusiness is today, you can be certain that that’s after a lot of tests and it’s probably converting quite well and it probably can convert even better when I get tests results. It will be continually refining situation. Adjust your messaging. I know now that people do not like certain things. I will just eliminate that from my conversation. I’ll give you one example of that. They’re not that interested in things that are coming. They’re very interested in things that are here now. That’s the kind of society we live in I guess. Show me what’s here now. Don’t tell me about what’s coming, just show me what you’ve got now. Add more targeted content. Just keep tuning into your audience. Bring in more syndication points. Find out who else could syndicate your newsletter too. What other events could you go to to pick up some people to syndicate to? Which other forums can you participate in? Who else can you send YouTube link to that they might share it? Whichever Facebook group’s perfect for you? 3 Adjust the mix of sales offers. Most of my videos will refer to some other part of my business. I don’t often promote things outside my business except when I find something exceptional like LeadPlayer then I really do promote because it’s made such a difference to my business, I want to share it with my customers and they thank me for it. They’re very excited when I get excited about something because I’m a pretty tough judge. I reject about 3 or 4 offers a day to promote things or “I’m just reaching out to you James, blah blah blah.” Yeah I’m busy. I’m building and creating amazing products and services of my own and I’m talking to my customers about them and solving their problems. That’s my job. So keep adjusting the mix of sales offers that you have to get that nice balance. If you’re going to publish news, make sure you put news in there. If you’re going to have tips, put tips in there. It shouldn’t be a straight sales pitch every time. If you have a long term customer, they will put up with a little bit of pitching before they turn you off. A good example there is Drayton Bird who sends out mostly good emails but when he has an event coming,