Own The Racecourse Part 6 – Measure

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: You need some way of knowing how your business is doing. So know your numbers. Measure constantly. This module is a guide to what you should be tracking in your online business. Next Module: Refine   Tweetables: You’ll want to be tracking, testing and measuring. [Click To Tweet]. We all start from scratch, we all start from zero. [Click To Tweet]. Measure your progress. [Click To Tweet].   If you like reading: Part 6: Measure the performance of your campaigns as per SuperFastConversions which is available inside FastWebFormula.com You want to be tracking, measuring and testing. There’s a little graph there of my backlinks that have jumped up from under a couple of thousand to over 12,000 in just a week. Just by syndicating the RSS feeds, and really ramping up the press release and embedding of things. A few other things have happened too. Bloggers started noticing my content schedule and then shared it with other bloggers and then I got a big mention in a podcast yesterday and now I’m going to do an interview with that person. That interview will then go in front of that audience and then those people will come. This is how the snowball starts. I can pretty much guarantee you, when you start this; it’s going to be very small and insignificant. No one will comment on your posts. You’ll wonder if anyone reads it. You’ll get hardly any traffic and it will be slow. It’s almost kind of embarrassing. When I put up my YouTube account and there’s like 300 views, it’s like people are going to expect more from me. But a few months later, I’m up to 25,000 views and I started to feel a little more comfortable. I’m pretty sure a year from now; I’ll have at least 100,000 views, probably a couple of hundred thousand because that’s just how it goes. The more you have, the more you get, the more you have, the more you get and it’s just going to grow. If you speak to the people who get 1,500 views a week for their YouTube videos, there was a time when they were getting like 10 or 2. We all start from scratch, we all start from 0, but you do measure the progress. This is the measuring checklist. Check your Google and Twilert alerts. It will show you the response to your press releases and your blog posts. I am getting alerts instantly with my video thumbnails, with my blog posts, with my syndicated blog posts, with my press releases. We post content, it comes back that day. It’s amazing how fast Google is to pick that content up. They must be literally all over the site. Sales in the cart by product. Why is our website business doubled in the last 30 days? It’s because we got the customer feedback. We promoted it to our perfect customer audience. Cross promoted it to the other people in that audience especially with the weekly news summary. That is a great way to cross promote your products because you’re putting the news from all the channels even though someone may have come from one channel. And then the sales go up in the cart. That’s exactly what I’ll measure. Emails, opens and clicks. You got to find out if people are fading on you or are becoming unresponsive, or if they continue to open emails and you can check things like complaint rates and click-throughs. You can also use your tracking links, your Google analytics tracking links and check out what’s actually happening there with trends and graphs and charts. Total subscribers is something we definitely watch. In this case, I’m collecting let’s say a dozen emails a day from my main news blog. At the end of the month, I’ve sent 70,000 emails. If I still have more subscribers than I start with at the month, then my business is growing. There will be some people who unsubscribe and leave, there’ll be some people who come. But I’m pretty certain if they’ve got between 4 and 20 emails from me that month and they’re still on my customer list, they’re a red hot prospect, if not a buyer already. Daily subscriber additions,