Own The Racecourse Part 1 – Gather Ideas

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: It takes good ideas to make good content. Where do the topics come from that make up our news posts? There are many great sources of ideas, most of them the people around us. Next module: Create Content   Tweetables: Collect relevant ideas from real people. [Click To Tweet]. A real marketer solves real problems. [Click To Tweet]. Know what your audience wants. [Click To Tweet].   Do you prefer text? here you go.... Part 1: You need to collect relevant ideas from real people. The point of this is we’re not starting with the keyword tool which is where most people start. They look at the keyword tool; they search for the classic higher search volume, good competition, rankable. Forget that. Let’s go to real people. Let’s be real marketers and solve problems. That’s where the money is. Start with this. This is where I collect ideas. I’m just going to quickly explain what each thing on the list is so that when you have this checklist, you understand what it is. If you don’t know what it is from the description, then just a make a note to yourself. RSS feeds are the little orange things that show up on most blogs. If I were to put out an SEO news broadcast, then I would just go and check all of the SEO blogs and I would get all the RSS feeds and I would bring them into my feed reader or in my case I’m using SpeedDash. I quickly scan them for interesting topics. Coaching is a great idea source. I actually speak to people every single day and as you know I have FastWebFormula.com. I am email coaching or forum coaching there so I a dozen or two questions every single day. Pretty good idea about what people want to know in the Internet Marketing Space. The same is true for business. I have my SilverCircle group each week. We’re on a call and I answer questions on three 90 min sessions. By the end of that, I have a very good understanding of the top issues facing business owners. Coaching is a terrific source. It’s real questions from real people and they’re timely. Questions and topics from the team, my team are always proposing ideas. They’ll say, “Hey boss, we should add this or we should add that.” Today we added a brand new package to our SEO website and I’ll put it in the news that comes out today. Because it’s brand new, the team have sent a proposal based on the questions that we’ve been asked and just an innovation and creativity technique. We’re always open to how we can do better. It’s been accepted and we’ve run with it. Insights are good. You can have a look at Facebook insights and you can find out a lot about which posts of your Facebook page are most viral, which ones are being talked about more, which ones got the most views. You can also see which things are coming through on alerts for your industry topic news. You could even put your competitor’s terms for your alerts and go and see what they’re up to and create news around that type of activity. There’s Twilerts as well as Google alerts. So you can also pick up Twitter news. Google analytics is great. It tells you what things are finding your site for. It shows you the pages they’re visiting, how long they stay, how many pages they visit, what traffic sources. Learn what you can from your analytics. Which paths do they take? Which ones converted into customers and why? Forums are fantastic. I love forums for ideas. I’ve gone into forums before and posted a question. What’s your biggest challenge? I’ve created 8 video replies and posted all 8 videos and that turned into a traffic channel. Video analytics are fantastic. What my team do is they log into our analytics, they have a look where people drop off the videos and they make a note and they record that as a dislike. They make a note where people spike and go up and rewatch and they note that as a like. Over time I’m learning what my audience dislike and what they like. Surveys are good. There’s of course traditional survey where you send out a “Hey, you know,