Own The Racecourse Intro – Dream Team

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: Chances are you will be doing everything when you first start out publishing your content. But for those to whom building a team seems practical, here is a discussion of the different roles that must be filled. Next module: Complete Checklist Own The Raceourse is just one of the many valuable courses inside FastWebFormula.com. Join me inside this Internet Business coaching community so that I can help you profit faster: Click Here   Tweetable: Your team is the core engine that drives the business. [Click To Tweet].   Do you prefer text? here you go.... What will you need to make this work? If you don’t have something in place right now, you might want to just jot it down and consider that this is your shortlist. If you were learning how to bake a new recipe, these might be the ingredients. What I’ve done is assemble a dream team. This is an optional step. There’s every chance that you will be the person doing everything on the checklist in the beginning if you are a solo operator or you’re doing this part time from home. If you are serious business like me and you’re full time and you want to leverage up, then it makes sense to build a team. This is the perfect team setup. You’ll need a team Dropbox so that you can share your content. You’ll need something like Google Apps or Zoho so you can setup group emails so that you can broadcast your instructions to the entire team in one hit. You will need an assistant or a project manager who you talk to and they talk to the rest of the team. You will need a writer or transcriber, in this case they’ll be writing press releases, blog posts, articles and they’ll be transcribing video and/or audio. You’ll need an audio visual editor. Someone who can render a video, upload it to YouTube, strip out MP3s, add them to Amazon S3 and put them into your blog for broadcasting to the iTunes platform. You’ll also need an illustrator or designer to make cool pictures like the one on this screen. You’ll need access to a web designer because you will continue to make changes based on feedback, heatmaps, tracking data to your website to increase conversions. You’ll need a linking specialist so that you can place content on other sites pointing back to your website. The good news is that if you’re not doing some of these projects and you don’t need a team, there are still services, of course. There are places you can go to and get web design or linking for example. I know of a couple, pretty familiar with them actually like my own services. Did you like this training? Please let your friends know about it! Own The Raceourse is just one of the many valuable courses inside FastWebFormula.com. Join me inside this Internet Business coaching community so that I can help you profit faster: Click Here Next module: Complete Checklist Click Here To Go To The Start Of This Training