Own The Racecourse Training Introduction

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: The secret to staying power is to own the racecourse. Own the platform that you build your online business on. Own the websites that you publish on. This puts you in control and not at the whim of other people and their property. This is a principle that has proven powerful in one person's successful online blog and his multi-million dollar business. And the step by step process will be shared freely with you, starting with this introductory module. Next module: Dream Team (If you would like to learn more about the background to this course I explain it here )   Tweetables: Own the game. [Click To Tweet]. Have everyone else compete on your racecourse. [Click To Tweet]. Build your business on an asset you own. [Click To Tweet]. OTR is similar to the process of making fine wine. [Click To Tweet].   Do you prefer text? The whole course is transcribed and appears below the videos. Let's begin... This is a really big topic. When you map it out it fills up a 3½ meter long whiteboard. It takes one day to take somebody through it step by step showing each part of the process. So I can’t actually show you each step of the process in minute detail. What I will be doing is referring you to the appropriate places you can go and get further instructions such as Content Assault, Traffic Grab and SuperFastConversions. All of these courses are available inside my internet business coaching community called FastWebFormula.com - discover more. Overview What I do want to do is I want to give you the overview. This is a strategic overview. I’m going to give you slides with entire checklists on it but I’m going to talk you through every bullet point. What you get  What you will get at the end of this presentation are the actual checklists. So I’ve already had the checklists typed up from my whiteboards. They are literally ticker box checklists. They’re on the last 3 slides. I will give you a PDF of those so that you can print them off. So don’t worry too much about taking extraneous notes. The most important thing is that you understand the concept that I’m talking about and it should give you clarity in direction on what you want to implement for your business. Why OTR? We’re going to talk about what it is, why I did it, how you’d go about doing it. The name of the course, “Own the Racecourse” really comes from something one of my mentors drummed into me. He said it was far more important to own the game and have everyone else competing on your racecourse because you always win. It doesn’t matter if the horse goes lame or if one of the players isn’t happy. Someone will win, someone will lose. Avoid these mistakes It’s about ownership and so many entrepreneurs make terrible mistakes. They build out their whole business on say YouTube and just have videos and links straight to products and then YouTube closes their account and the next day they wake up and it’s gone. Or they build their whole business on Facebook. They have a Facebook group for example and their whole business is on one platform. Or Google, and then if they get their site slapped, they’re out of the game. But if we’re smart, we’ll build on an asset we own and we’re going to put all of these things to work for us plus more that will come. I’m going to start in reverse We’ll talk about the results that Own the Racecourse system will get you when you put it to play. You will become a stronger brand authority. You will be known in your industry and that means people will come to you instead of you having to go to them. Other people will mention you on their podcasts, on their blogs, in forums, at live events, from stage. You will be the reference. This is really good. It allows you to access much bigger market because you’re going to have a bigger system working for you than just a small player. You will also have multiple sources of relevant traffic. You won’t be wondering about just one or two,