YouTube Announces Channel Improvements

 James Schramko SuperFast Business Online Business Coaching show

Summary: Here is what's new in SEO today. SEO News Feb-8-2013 // In this episode: 00:09 - YouTube are adding a new trailer feature 00:27 - Connect your Google+ account and claim ownership 01:04 - Strengthen your brand and connect to social media channels 01:41 - Own The Racecourse is FREE 01:55 - Noticed the home page link glitch on Google webmaster tools? 02:07 - Google PR is still an important indicator of authority   Let us handle your online reputation for you Looking for premium SEO services? Add high quality content to your sites We can promote your videos to help you get more traffic   James Schramko here with some SEO news.  I’m going to talk about YouTube and also just some general social media updates. New YouTube Design Template Available YouTube are changing their design template and you can also create a trailer that shows for first time visitors encouraging them up to join up to your subscriptions. So go along to YouTube creators blog and check out, I’ll put a link near this video.  You can start designing your template. Social SEO Update Regarding social SEO it’s still going to be a big thing what you need to do is make sure that you have your Google+ account and connect up your auto profile so that you can claim ownership.  There is a suggestion that if you have a Google+ endorsement on any of your content and you’ve got your name, it should get higher click thru and you want to start dominating for your brand so own that space with the Google+ account. Assign your author rel relationship to your content.  Keep putting that good content and socialize it with the big ones – with the FaceBooks, the LinkedIns, the Twitters and if you’re in a visual market, Pinterest. Photo credit In terms of increasing your brand you can still use press releases, images, pay some attention to your logo designs.  I’m always updating and tuning to make sure that that design is very very well known and a large part of the traffic coming to that site is actually looking for the phrase, “SuperFastBusiness” and that is because the branding is driving those visits.  I make sure that I replicate that across my YouTube channel. I claim ownership for my articles, for my own name, I link it to my Google+ and then I FaceBook and tweet and LinkedIn all of my posts.  This technique is called “Own The Racecourse” and you’ll be able to get that entire course for FREE at  If you receive my email news, you’ll be sent an email notification when it’s ready at Glitch in Web Master tools being fixed Now in Web Master tools, if you’ve noticed the change, there was a little glitch where it looks like that they’ve stopped using the homepage links so they’re looking at fixing that up now according to the reports that I’ve read. Is PR important? Also on the topic of PR, it’s still an important metric for SEO’s but also for public according to a video that Matt Cutts released.  We still use PR and I think it is actually important.  It’s a way for us to have a look at the authority of the site.  A really high PR is still a good indicator that a site is worthwhile.  That’s why we make sure we get high PR links for our SEO customers on sites that are category-themed and relevant to the customer’s site. Well anyway, that’s it for the SEO news this week. I’m James Schramko.  I’m happy to answer any questions you’ve got right near this video.