The Biggest Loser Breakdown & Aaron Delgrolice - HCT

The Revolution Of Health™ show

Summary: To Recap Monday night's Biggest Loser show as well as the childhood obesity epidemic & Jillian Michael’s comeback, Jessica Delfs Former Contestant & Biggest Loser Alumni now has teamed up with The Revolution Of Health™ to go over ALL the details! Aaron Delgrolice is the creator of Hybrid Cross Training. This unique approach to fitness is a blend of mix of martial arts, kettle bells, TRX, and body weight training that maximizes the body for metabolic conditioning as well as mixing flexibility with mobility. Each session starts with a dynamic warmup consisting of activation exercises, stretches and movement patterns specific to each client. This ensures a proper warmup of the entire body as to prevent injuries and to get the most efficient workout possible. The workout then consists of total body movements emphasizing core/trunk stabilization by utilizing Kettle Bells, Body Weight Movements, Free Weights, & TRX exercises. Hybrid Cross Training is meant to maximize the body's metabolic system in order to burn fat, build muscle & stay injury free.