The Broken Thumb

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: I like being on our youth group planning committee, thought Shelly as the members shared ideas for making their meetings more interesting. But she frowned when Cole offered his suggestion. "How about planning a missions program that reaches out to kids in our community?" he asked. "And let's give everyone in the youth group something to do. You know--get everyone involved." Mr. Gray, the youth leader, liked the idea. "That sounds good," he said, "and it will fit in nicely with the Bible study I'm planning for the next several weeks." "But some of the kids never want to do anything," objected Shelly. "I don't see how we can we get them involved if they're not really interested, so what would we do about them? Or doesn't it matter? Do we really need them?" "Nah."Zoe, another committee member, shook her head. Cole disagreed. "We want them all to have a part," he insisted. "Let's think about that, kids," said Mr. Gray. "Let me ask you something." He turned to Shelly. "You broke your thumb a few days ago. Does it matter?" he asked. "How important is your thumb?" "My thumb?" asked Shelly in surprise. She laughed as she looked down at her bandaged thumb. "I didn't think I used it much . . . until I couldn't use it at all," she said. "Now that it's broken, I see how much I really need it. It's way more important than Iever knew!" "Yes, I thought it might be." Mr. Gray smiled. "And God says that's exactly how it is with the body of believers. All who believe in Jesus are referred to as the Body of Christ, and every single member is important--just like every part of our physical bodies is important. Each person has a job to do for the Body of Christ to function properly." "That makes sense," said Shelly, "but . . ." She frowned. "I still don't see how we'll get kids to help if they don't want to." She looked at her thumb again. "Or do you think they will want to if we show them that we need them?" Cole nodded. "Yeah, and I think we should be careful to not complain about anything we're assigned to do, but act like we're enjoying it ourselves," he said. Zoe grinned. "That part should be easy. I think we will enjoy it," she said. "Good," Mr. Gray approved. "Let's put those ideas into action." How About You? Do you think you're not really needed or able to serve God? If so, you're wrong. Things you can do may seem small to you, but showing God's love by helping others is an important way to serve Him. Can you mow a lawn, rake leaves, shovel snow, or run errands for someone? Can you spend a little time talking with a kid who needs a friend? Can you make a card to encourage a relative, friend, or neighbor? Think of something you can do, and then do it today. You are important in God's family. Today's Key Verse: You are the body of Christ, and members individually. (1 Corinthians 12:27) Today's Key Thought: You are important