Feb 4, 2013 MoneyWise

Compass » Money Wise show

Summary: The Next Fiscal Cliff – Howard Dayton and Steve Moore give a sober reminder that the U.S. economy is still not on a good track, and that God's people need to stay focused on saving, getting out of debt, being generous - and encouraging others to do the same. Then they answer listener questions at (800) 525-7000 and MoneyWise@Compass1.org: "I'm concerned that my long -term investments are not growing - should I make a change?" (Howard recommended the caller check out SoundMindInvesting.com)) "Should I tithe on child support?" "I'm looking to join the military in a few months - where can I invest while away?" Mentioned on today's program was was the Compass Map, the small-group study, 'Navigating Your Finances God's Way' and Howard's book, 'Your Money Counts'. Be sure to check out the Compass website for a complete listing of helpful resources and radio archives. Thanks for your prayers and generous financial support which allow us to keep MoneyWise on-the-air!