Absence & Hope in the valley of the shadow of this life

mootuk show

Summary: <a href="http://ian-mobsby.blogspot.com/">Ian Mobsby</a>, one of the founders of the moot community explores the need for hope as the foundation of faith to live in the complex world of today. In this way, with a basis in the love of God, we can be a community of hope reflecting the vision of the Church gathered in a City in Revelation 22: <br> <br> In the City of God there will be no more night. Just the glory of the risen One. He will write his name on our foreheads, and we will worship him forever. And it won't be much longer now.<br> <a href="http://mootuk.podbean.com/mf/web/qcfhyd/absencehope.mp3">Download Standard Podcasts</a><br>