CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "Mom, that sign is still there!" Joelle pressed her nose against the car window as they drove past a neighbor's yard. The big sign said, "Free Kittens," and Joelle persistently pleaded with her mother to let her have one. "Well, Dad and I talked about it," said Mom. "We decided it would be okay." Joelle squealed with joy, and as soon as they got back home, they went to the neighbors' house to choose a kitten. Joelle picked the smallest one. "I named him Runt," she said happily when she showed the kitten to her brother Camden. "Good name for him," Camden agreed. A couple weeks later, Mom and Joelle took Runt for his first visit to the veterinarian. "Runt's a bit scrawny," observed the vet. "What do you feed him?" "Milk," said Joelle, "and leftovers." Mom nodded. "Most of what he gets is leftover scraps from our meals." "That may be the problem," said the vet. "Your leftovers probably don't have the right nutrients to help Runt grow properly. Try feeding him food made especially for kittens, and Ithink he'll start to fill out nicely." On the way home, Joelle and Mom stopped to buy the special food the veterinarian had suggested for the kitten. "From now on Runt gets only good, healthy food that's made just for kittens," Joelle told her brother that evening. Camden grinned. "Well, I'm glad I'm not Runt," he said. "I like junk food." Overhearing the conversation, Dad smiled. "No more leftovers for Runt?" he asked. "Iknow someone else who shouldn't get leftovers. Who do you think that might be?" "Ah . . . is it you?" asked Joelle in surprise. "You always say you like them." Dad laughed. "I do," he said, "but I was thinking that we sometimes give God our leftovers. Instead of giving leftover time or love or effort to God, we should give Him our best in whatever we do." "Oh-h-h, I think I get it," replied Joelle. "That's why you say we should put part of our allowance in the church offering, right? And to help with service projects our class does." She grinned. "But I'm glad you like leftovers, Dad," she added. "I think that's what we're having for supper." How About You? Do you give God your best? Do you give to Him first? Before spending anything on yourself, do you set aside for Him a portion of your money? Or do you first buy what you want? Do you spend time with Him only if there's a little left at the end of the day? Do you offer leftover energy to help someone else only after you've already done the things you enjoy?God told His people to bring their "firstfruits" to Him--to give to Him first. That's what He wants from you, too. Today's Key Verse: The firstfruits of your land you shall bring into the house of the Lord your God. (Exodus 23:19) Today's Key Thought: Give your best to God