Culture Shock 003

Culture Shock with Torrey Clark show

Summary:   Episode #003 Recorded Thursday, January 17, 2013 "Hindu: True or Untrue?" HOST: Torrey Clark       Video this episode: Show Notes: About the Hindu Religion: Demographics Origins (see article from Apologetics Press) Holy book Beliefs How Does Christianity Compare with Hinduism? (see Christian Courier article) New Testament Christianity offers... One God Historical proofs One way to heaven One only has this life to prepare for eternity Morality based on objective nature of God. God holds man accountable There is hope Forgiveness of sins has been made available Some tips for evangelism Episode Resources: NEWS ARTICLE: "Millions of Hindus Engage in Massive Cleansing Ritual to Was Away Their Sins" from TheBlaze RESEARCH ARTICLE: "The Ancient Origins of Hinduism" from Apologetics Press RELIGIOUS ARTICLE: "Christianity and World Religions" from Christian Courier MISSIONS: Mission Work in India RESEARCH ARTICLE: "World Religions Index: Hinduism" ANECDOTE: "My Personal Conversion to Christ" by Parveen Singh Your Feedback Email: Voicemail: 903-26-LIGHT (903-265-4448) If you enjoyed the show, please rate it on iTunes and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out! Thanks. Subscription Links