Ron Paul Weekly Update - January 21st thru January 28th

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: As the other three jokers vie for the winner-take-all delegates in Florida, Congressman Ron Paul has opted to focus his campaign on the early caucus states- namely, Maine, during this last week. The grassroots energy is absolutely inspiring everywhere Dr. Paul goes! The Congressman participated in two Republican debates in the Sunshine State, in impressive fashion. It has been noted the the Ron Paul media blackout has been re-instituted by the major networks and the MSM writ-large, as the name Ron Paul was conspicuously absent from most discussion of those debates. But the last few days has seen the re-re-re-hashing of the Ron Paul newsletters- showing that the power-structure remains concerned about our cause and our candidate. I have already seen sporadic discussion by people who are  already conceding this nomination. Don't give up so easily! This thing is still very early, and our movement can catch like wildfire at any time! Links to original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Dr. Tom Woods: Ron Paul or Rick Santorum: Whom Should Catholics Choose? Video compliments of YouTube User: TomWoodsTV. (1/19) (9:44) Ron Paul's Picks for Vice President (OK-not really, deceptive title that fooled me). Steve Forbes talks Fed with Mallory Factor. Video by YouTube User: TheStreetTV. (1/21) (11:23) Ron Paul (and Rick Sanitorium) still standing, but for how long? MSNBC panel on NOW with Alex Wagner. (1/23) (17:28) Dr. Paul speaks to a cheering crowd at a local Tampa Pub after debate. Video compliments of YouTube User: arb0171. (1/23) (19:57) Ron Paul In the Driver’s Seat of GOP? South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian talks to FBN's Judge Napolitano. (1/23) (24:40) Why do College Students Love Ron Paul? Florida State U. GOP Club Chairwoman Kayla Mae Westbrook on Fox Business' Freedom Watch. (1/23) (27:33) Ron Paul Fans Featured on WFLA News Channel 8 (NBC - Tampa, FL) after NBC Debate watch party. Video by YouTube User: PauliticsPolitics. (1/23) (30:37) WFTS-TV (ABC28 - Tampa, FL) reports: Four remaining GOP candidates to face off in debate at USF. Video coverage via ClipSyndicate. (1/23) (33:35) Veterans march for Ron Paul announcements: Money Grenade on 2/1. Video compliments of YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (1/24) (38:21) Get Your Ron Paul Action Figure! MSNBC's Willie Geist reports for Zeitgeist. (1/24) (39:15) KTCB-TV (FOX7 - Austin, TX) Reports: Ron Paul Staying Put in Race. Video coverage via ClipSyndicate. (1/24) (40:39) Bill O'Reilly Tries to Tie Child Molestation to Ron Paul, Jerry Doyle Fires Back! Video compliments of YouTube User: LibertyPulse. (1/24) (52:23) Bill Maher talks about the GOP race, Ron Paul on CNN's AC360. Video compliments of YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tCOM. (1/25) (56:50) Inside the Ron Paul Campaign with Doug Wead, on Daily Paul Radio with Kurt Wallace. (1/25) (1:09:39) RP2012 Official Blogger Jack Hunter on The Jerry Doyle Show: O'Reilly is "Completely Disgusting". Video compliments of YouTube User: LibertyPulse. (1/25) (1:18:22) Fight for Your Civil Rights! Campaign Advisor Doug Wead on Fox Business' Freedom Watch. (1/25) (1:24:55) Ron Paul's Secret Weapon: Blue Republicans. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel (Part 1 and Part 2). (1/25) (1:35:07) Jon Stewart defends Ron Paul from Newt "Moon Base" Gingrich. Video comes via Mediate. (1/25) (1:38:48) Fox News' Bret Baier on the Ron Paul effect: Inside the RP2012 campaign. (1/26) (1:40:54) FNC's Jon Scott: "Ron Paul Is To The Tea Party Movement What Neil Young Was To Grunge-- The Godfather." Video by YouTube User: SaveOurSovereignty3. (1/26) (1:43:20) The Judge asks Col. Douglas Macgregor (US Army, Ret.) on FBN's Freedom Watch: Ron Paul Best for Defense? (1/26) (1:47:38) RP2012 Press Sec. Gary Howard in spin room after Jacksonville debate. Video by YouTube User: GARRETT3000. (1/26) (1:51:54) Ron Paul Trou