Ron Paul is the Choice of the Troops! - Sounds from the Rally, March, and Afterparty

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: On Monday the 20th of February, Adam Kokesh, Nathan Cox,  and the grassroots Veterans for Ron Paul group held a rally and march in support of Ron Paul's campaign for President. At least 500 veterans and active duty soldiers traveled to the nation's capitol to visibly express their support for Dr. Paul- the Presidential candidate who far and away receives the most campaign donations from the active duty military (over 70%, including Pres. Obama). Many veterans and prominent liberty activists took to the stage at the rally to vocally support the Congressman, and express their displeasure at the bipartisan consensus that is the foreign policy of the United State government. An impressive sight, the battalion sized element then marched to the White House, stood in silence to honor all those who have died since Obama has taken office, and then turned "about face"- signifying their repudiation of the Nobel-laureate's militaristic policies. I have compiled a collection of audio from the day's events for your listening enjoyment, including: speeches, interviews, and music from the afterparty (posted in chronological order). Some of the audio at the rally is less than perfect (they seemed to struggle with feedback/distortion in the PA system at times). Of course, the national media largely ignored the gathering (save a few web articles and the like)- wouldn't want to upset the corporate narrative and the left-right paradigm. Links to the videos are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Veterans for Ron Paul March - Speakers - vol 1. Video compliments of YouTube User: ftsmallwood. (2/20) (26:40) Veterans for Ron Paul March on The White House- Images and Interviews. Video by YouTube User: TheRevolutionPAC. (2/20) (31:06) Veterans March to White House for Ron Paul - Short Interviews. Video coverage by The Daily Caller (imagine that). (2/20) (32:22) Veterans for Ron Paul March - Pre Speakers w/Adam Kokesh. Video compliments of YouTube User: ftsmallwood. (2/20) (1:30:48) Veterans for Ron Paul March - Brief Interview. Video compliments of YouTube User: ftsmallwood. (2/20) (1:32:22) Veterans for Ron Paul March - Brief Interview. Video compliments of YouTube User: ftsmallwood. (2/20) (1:34:54) RON PAUL IS THE CHOICE OF THE TROOPS- Kokesh Leads, They March! Video by YouTube User: AdamKokesh. (2/20) (1:39:21) RT: Veterans For Ron Paul March On The White House Completely Ignored By MSM. Video by YouTube User: MOXNEWSd0tCOM.(2/20) (1:42:20) Aimee Allen Making Liberty Sexy, Rocks the Afterparty! Video compliments of YouTube User: wvumarj. (2/20) (1:46:16) Veterans for Ron Paul to march on the Republican National Convention in Tampa! Video by YouTube User: Adam Kokesh. (2/20) (1:48:16) Jordan Page 8 Adam Kokesh Sing "Liberty" at Veterans March After Part. Video compliments of YouTube User: wvumarj. (2/20)