Alex Jones Talks Vote Fraud and the Sinister Romney-Paul Alliance (MUUHAAHAA)

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Over the last couple of months, pundits (and the neocons in particular) have pushed a conspiracy theory that asserts some kind of nefarious back-room deal between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney- a quid-pro-quo, if you will. From the perspective of the neocons, this serves to undermine both men, in favor of Santorum and/or Gingrich. There has always been a lack of enthusiasm for Mitt Romney amongst the Republican electorate- demonstrated by the various GOP flavors-of-the-month. The challenge for the talk radio mafia is to crown a neoconservative/social-con alternative, thus demonstrating their collective power within the Republican Party. We all know that Ron Paul is not only an anathema to the neoconservative narrative- he challenges their fundamental worldview! Tying the two together (to the detriment of both) is sort of a stroke of genius, considering that this supposedly sinister "alliance" is based on a thread of truth. Dr. Paul and Gov. Romney do get along personally, and their campaigns coordinate when it is mutually beneficial. I think the so-called alliance ends there. Romney is a known quantity, an establishment favorite and a moderate New England former Governor. Ron Paul has always sought to be the last anti-Romney standing, so it is to his benefit to use his campaign's resources to expose the others (rather than Romney). The trouble comes in when our people buy into this propaganda- as if Dr. Paul is in the process of selling us out (and the articles are out there!). This line of thinking can accomplish more than the neocons could ever dream (while it is clearly their ultimate goal): to destroy the Congressman's legacy into the future. Alex Jones has been about the only one out there discussing these rumors, and in my opinion, doing a good job putting them to rest. He has also been out front exposing outright voter fraud and the many irregularities in the electoral process. This audio file contains a couple hours worth of discussion into these controversial issues. Make of the what you will. Links to the original media sources are included in the file description, included audio can be heard in the order listed below: (0:00) Total Election Fraud Against Ron Paul Documented! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (2/21) (6:22) Election Scams Against Ron Paul Exposed! Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (2/22) (11:25) Ron Paul Is Being Cheated Out of the Republican Nomination. Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (2/22) (33:46) Has Ron Paul Formed a Political Alliance With Mitt Romney? Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (2/23) (1:08:31) Lew Rockwell Dispels Ron Paul Alliance Rumor as "Establishment Trick". Video compliments of YouTube User: TheAlexJonesChannel. (2/23) (1:23:54) The Paul-Romney Alliance? Infowars Nightly News with Paul Joseph Watson. Video by YouTube User: TheAlexJonesShow. (2/23)