Youth for Ron Paul Rally at Central Michigan University (2/25/2012)

Ron Paul 2012 Podcast show

Summary: Don't let anyone tell you that this campaign is winding down! Virtually every campaign event Ron Paul has held in the last month has had to turn many away due to capacity crowds, and his Youth for Ron Paul rally at CMU on Saturday was no exception. The campaign reports that the Congressman drew more than 1,450 people to the military-themed Soldiers, Airmen and Sailors for Ron Paul rally at the Plachta Auditorium in Mount Pleasant, MI. This was an interesting event in comparison to the average campaign rally, including an introduction by Michigan's own Rep. Justin Amash. I cobbled this audio file together from a compilation of different videos- so you could get the gist of the entire event. Portions of the audio are better than others (Dr. Paul's speech should sound good). Video compliments of YouTube User: KonradBushre (Part One and Part Two) and Vimeo User: CMLifeVideo (Part One and Part Two).