Interview with Will Hutton

Intelligence Squared show

Summary: Tony Curzon Price interviews Will Hutton ahead of next weeks event with Anatole Kaletsky. The financial crisis only proves the strength of capitalism on Tuesday February 8th, 2011 How badly wounded is modern capitalism by the financial crisis? Is it mortal or just a flesh wound? Will the state have to expand its powers and take on new responsibilities for jobs, investment, financial regulation and redistribution as we limp out of recession? And was the success of laissez-faire of the last 30 years just illusion built on unstable mounds of borrowing? Or was real wealth-creation unleashed? Does the crisis just point to the work that still needs to be done to make the capitalist-democratic state more nimble, smaller, less bureaucratic? Will that finally demonstrate the superior values of freedom and decentralisation over authoritarian economic models to the East? Crossing swords on these pivotal issues are Anatole Kaletsky, principal economic commentator for The Times and Will Hutton, Observer columnist and author of The State We’re In.... and of course you, the Intelligence Squared audience.