The Gralien Report Podcast for January 29, 2013

The Micah Hanks Program show

Summary: This week on The Gralien Report Podcast... Micah and the Gralien gang delve into the mysteries of time and space, while examining reports of goblin beheadings, human-ape hybrids, and the curiosity of mysterious deaths associated with ufology.The Gralien Report Podcast: 1-29-13 (Click to Download)Also on this week's edition of the show, our guest, Ryan Sprague, joins us to discuss a stage rendition he has been working to produce, which will tell the story of the famous Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident. Sprague is a playwright and ufo journalist living in New York City, and is a regular contributor to Open Minds Magazine.And as far as contributions from the Fortean field, below are a few show notes and other news updates from beyond the fringe (special thanks to Tyler Pittman for providing links to several of this week's stories).Oliver the "Humanzee" Passes AwayGoblin cleansing ritual leads to House ExplosionFollow The Gralien Report on TwitterA Pictorial Guide to the Rendlesham Forest UFO IncidentA Giant Mystery: 18 Strange Skeletons Found in Wisconsin: Sons of God; Men of RenownGovernment to Dispose of Radioactive Waste By Putting It In Our SILVERWARENASA caught deleting UFO photos from its website (Photos)Listener Emails: One member of the Gralien audience shared this strange and unsettling story about a "creature" they managed to witness (and shoot at):My wife's Dad lived in a nice little place in a sleepy little burg out of town proper. Late one night, he heard something raising all kinds of heck out back of the house. He put the dogs out on it figuring it was maybe a coon or a bear. want long before he heard the dogs engage the critter. Said the fightin was something awful. One of the dogs came back to the house on a dead run, all tore up and went under the back porch. Then another one came in and did the same. The others just up'n took off.Things got quiet for a bit then he heard something tearing up the back porch door. He went to look see what the heck was going on.This thing, by his description, looked to be about 40 inches tall at its back. Its color was dark to almost blue looking, long stringy hair from front shoulder's back to about mid body then bald from there on. He said it almost looked like a hyena sept there werent none of them natural in that area. This "thing" had huge claws on its feet, fangs stickin out of its face like a wild hog. We call em tushes...tusks to others from the north.The head he said looked like a dog but with a longer face and it was huge, almost like it didnt belong on its body with big pointy ears. This thing proceeded to literally tear the back porch from the house. Its a purdy good size all enclosed porch by the way. Dad figured it was smellin' the grill where he cooked some meat earlier that day.He finally went in and grabbed his gun, ran back to the back to the door to shoot what ever it was. It had now moved into the back yard a bit further and was standing there snarling and growlin like at him. It started to run in his direction when he let it have it. Said he hit it square on, the thing stumbled a bit but didn't go down. Used a deer rifle on it.It ran back a bit and stood there snarling and carrying on again so he let go on it again. Said the thing ran off into the woods. Dad was scared purdy good and he went back in the house and waited for light in the mornin'.Next day he got ahold of some friends and they went hunting the thing to figure out what it was. Never found nothing from it. Some hair around the porch was all they fond. No blood, no body, no nothing. It just was gone. Never came back in the area.Of course, no "official" story ever came... and the "hair" samples? No explanation as what they came from either, even after he sent the samples in for identification.