Fat 2 Fit Show # 14 – Running for Fat Loss

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: How do you effectively use running for weight loss? How do you even get started if you haven't run farther than the distance from your couch to your fridge in years? How do you make sure that you will progress but not get injured along the way? We cover all of the basics and give suggestions and links for running podcasts and training programs. In our Listener E-mail section we answered questions that dealt with monitoring your heart rate while exercising, counting calories if you already eat natural whole foods, and why all popcorn is not the same for health and calories. In our news section, Russ found several studies that pointed to evidence that moderate drinking and exercise were they key to a long life. What was really surprising, was that people who drank moderately lived longer than people who didn't. Jeff referred to an article out of Oprah Magazine that dealt with the latest craze of "medically supervised" weight loss clinics. Jeff surmised that these clinics are no better than any other diet center who is desperately trying to get its piece of the almighty weight loss dollar. He looked at a specific clinic that puts people on a starvation diet of 400-500 calories, does not want people to exercise, provides expensive vitamin injections, and prescribes other medications and supplements to basically keep you from dying while in your starvation diet. Jeff's guess at how many people will keep the weight off for long term after going on a "medically supervised" weight loss diet would be less than 1% - much less than 1%... Links Mentioned in the show: Fat2Fit Radio Article on Heart Rate and Fat Loss Nutrition of 100 calorie microwave popcorn Do Vitamin B injections help with weight loss? An example of a "medically supervised" weight loss clinic (Dr. Berstein Diet) An investigative report on the Dr. Bernstein Diet Drinking alcohol is good for you - within reason Some basic info and programs for Running The Lore of Running Book Couch to 5K Podcast Phedippidations Running Podcast Recipe of the Week: Healthy Winter Vegetable Soup Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.