Fat 2 Fit Show #15 – Fast Food and Dieting Detours

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: In this show, we cover how to survive in a Fast Food world. In a perfect world, everyone would always have nutritious meals handy and would never need to eat Fast Food. In reality, there will always be times when you will have no choice but to eat at these restaurants. We discuss how to eat out and not blow your diet, and give tips and advice on the best and worst things to eat. In our comments and email section, we answered an email from Jon who was looking for an easier running program to get started, Farah asked us about what we though about the "Eat Clean Diet", and a short listener profile from Karen. Jeff's first news item dealt with a picture that showed an MRI photo of an obese person vs a person of a healthy weight. It is quite an amazing picture and you can see how fat crowds internal organs. We then moved on to a lengthy article which dealt with a wide range of possible dieting detours and their solutions. Russ found a cool website that will tell you how much activity you need to do to lose one pound of fat. You enter your weight and then choose from a wide variety of activities and it tells you how long you need to do that activity. Links mentioned in the show: How to get started with running 4 Weeks to 1 Mile running program Follow Russ as he does the Couch to 5K program How to Overcome Dieting Detours Fat vs Obese MRI photo Activities to lose 1 lb List of healthiest fast foods Russ' favorite healthy fast food restaurant Recipe of the week: Roasted Winter Vegetable Soup Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.