Fat 2 Fit Show #16 – Body Image and Self Esteem

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: In the movie "The Matrix", your "real body" is somewhere else and you live your life in a computer simulation. The way that your body appears in the Matrix is your "residual self-image", or in other words, your brain makes your Body Image into reality. We discuss Body Image and the implications of having a negative or positive one. Many people have a Body Image that isn't realistic or similar to what their real body looks like. We talk about how your body image can actually affect your subconscious reasoning and impact your conscious behaviors for good or for bad. There was a new documentary on TLC entitled "My Shocking Story, Too Young to Be So Fat". It raised some serious concerns from both Jeff and Russ about the childhood obesity epidemic that is going on. We discussed a 13 year old girl who was morbidly obese and wanted weight loss surgery. We brought up the topic about responsibility with obesity in children. A parent is 100% responsible for an obese child at 5 years old, but what about a 15 year old? We decide that we will tackle this issue on an upcoming episode. In our email and comment section, Russ was informed about where the term "Phedippidations" came from, Jeff answered a question on doing cardio first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, Russ answered a query about eating at your Basal Metabolic Rate or slightly below, and Jeff responded to a comment about whether to count the calories in "Negative Calorie Foods". We played our first comment that came in from our voice mail line from James. In our news section, Jeff brought up a new weight loss scam that is currently being advertised. "Eat all you want and still lose weight" is the mantra of its advertising campaign. With a little discussion, is was painfully obvious as to the ridiculousness of the product and it's claims. Russ discussed an article from Consumer Reports that discussed eating soup or salad before your meal to help with weight loss and also some other great points. Links mentioned in the show: The hero behind the name Phedippedations Eat All You Want and Still Lose Weight Eat Soup or Salad before your meal to lose weight Body Dysmorphic Disorder 10 Will Powers to a better body image Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.