Fat 2 Fit Show #31 – Stealth Calorie Burners

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: Believe it or not, by changing small things in your daily routine can net you big losses in weight. How would you like to lose 24 lbs. by this time next year? How about 30 lbs? It's possible by just modifying the things you already do to make them more active. In the feature section we discuss a list of sedentary activities and their more active alternatives. In the e-mail and comments section, James asks about a 10,000 step program. This was the inspiration for our feature section this week. We also read an e-mail from Eleanora, a 57 year old mother and grandmother who's lost weight by making life changes instead of doing a "diet". In the news, Jeff discusses diet cola and it's sweeteners after receiving an e-mail from listener Katie and Russ has a follow up on the vagus nerve. Not only can the nerve be tricked by external electrical impulse to remove hunger feelings, but there are some doctors that are severing the nerve. Also, the caveman diet ranks a study in the UK. Links Mentioned in the Show: Follow up on the vagus nerve Caveman diet Artifical sweetener in diet cola 10,000 step program Calorie burning activities Recipe of the Week: Gold and Black Bean Salad Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.