Fat 2 Fit Show #37 – Celebrity Diet Secrets

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: So how do you get that hot celebrity body? We take a look at what Kelly Ripa, Kate Hudson, Elizabeth Mitchell, Monica Seles, and Pamela Anderson do to stay fit and in shape. They all seem to have some common eating and exercising habits that obviously works for them. Kelly Ripa eats super healthy and works out up to two hours each day, Kate Hudson knows exactly what she is eating every day, Elizabeth Mitchell lost 78 lbs after a baby in the off season of Lost, Monica Selles now has a better body than when she played tennis, and Pamela Anderson keeps her shape mainly from living a Vegan lifestyle. We often bring up our philosophy of weight loss on the show. We believe that if you live the lifestyle of the healthy person that you want to become, you will become that person. So for example, if you want to look like Kate Hudson, use her as your role model and do what she does to stay in shape. She works our 5-6 times per week and eats an average of 1700 calories. If you eat and workout like she does, over time you will get a Kate Hudson body. Once you get there, if you want to keep that hot body, you simply keep eating and working out the same. You will not actually be dieting, you will change your lifestyle to one of a thinner and healthier person. In our question and answer section, we explore whether drinking cold water can speed up or slow down your metabolism. We also answer a question regarding exactly how many calories should you be eating to maintain or lose weight. In our Web Report, Jeff goes over the recent numbers from the Centers For Disease Control which show just how bad the obesity and diabetes epidemic has become. Russ reviews a study that proves how important exercise is for long term success with weight loss. Links Mentioned in the Show: Number of Calories you burn drinking Ice Water The exact number of calories you should be eating The Fattest American States Diabetes Rates in the United States Exercise is the key to sustain weight loss Recipe of the Week: Chicken Marabella from listener Heather Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.