Fat 2 Fit Show #41 – The Best Homeopathic Weight Loss Options

Fat 2 Fit Radio show

Summary: There seems to be more and more homeopathic weight loss products mixed in with the diet supplements these days. According to a 2007 survey, 3 percent of Americans have used knowingly or unknowingly homeopathic remedies. It has also been estimated that less than 1 percent of Americans know anything about them. The big question about these products is "Do they actually work?" Are they better than the diet supplements, or for that matter, prescription diet drugs? We go into the theory behind them, history and current science of these products so that you can make an informed decision about purchasing any of them. In our e-mail section, we discuss a listener who had health difficulties after going on one of those diets where you are given all of your food as pre-packaged meals. There are some benefits of eating a lot of processed foods while dieting such as not worrying about portion sizes, but processed foods are never a good choice. In the Web Report section, Jeff catches everyone up on the latest diet studies to come out of "Pub Med". The studies themselves seem fairly obvious, but they are necessary to replicate and validate other similar studies. It sometimes takes hundreds of studies to thoroughly prove a concept in science and studies that deal with dieting issues are no different. The most interesting thing is that some of these studies are starting to back up what Russ and Jeff have always been preaching! Russ talks about a study funded by the American Egg Council that showed that people can lose more weight by adding more eggs into their diets. Perhaps there is a little bit of an agenda here... Links Mentioned in the Show: Adding eggs to breakfast could hasten weight-loss Obesity and Sick Leave Study Study about drinking water and losing weight Benefits of adding protein in a weight loss diet Study about the best treatments for obesity Homeopathy Theory from Wikipedia ABC News: John Stossel - Homeopathic Remedies US FDA - Homeopathy - Real Medicine or Empty Promises? Homeopathy, The Ultimate Fake - Quackwatch.org Recipe of the Week: Grilled Chicken with Tomato-Avocado Salsa Listen here, or subscribe to automatically receive future shows.