New Life Live: January 29, 2013

New Life Live! with Steve Arterburn show

Summary: Topics: Grief, Forgiveness, Parenting, Marriage, Friendship, Adult Children, Sexual Integrity, Hosts: Steve Arterburn, Dr. Dave Stoop, Dr. Jill Hubbard Caller Questions: How do I forgive myself for an affair while trying to cope with my husband’s cancer?  Why would my 16yo adopted daughter think I don’t like her?  I have feelings for a young man into drugs; is it possible to just be friends?  Why would my husband hate and ignore our 34yo amazing son?  We just caught our 18yo daughter in a lie; she is sexually active with her boyfriend.  Suggested Resources: Healing Is A Choice How We Love Our Kids Walking Into Walls Subscribe to the NEW LIFE LIVE Podcast via iTunes or streaming audio from Stitcher, the Smart Radio App.