UK Spongers, a Hate Cleric, MPs and the Death of a Robber.

Europe Calling show

Summary: A UK couple told the Sun how they claim £17,680 a year in benefits . They don’t even bother looking for work because it would leave them worse off. Danny Creamer is 21, and Gina Allan is 18, and they spend each day watching their 47inch flatscreen TV and smoking 40 cigarettes between them in their comfortable two-bedroom flat. It is all funded by the UK taxpayer, yet the couple say they deserve sympathy because they are “trapped”. They even claim they are entitled to their generous handouts because their hard-working parents have been paying tax for years. The comments written on the website do not support their claims. The couple, who have a four-month-old daughter Tullulah-Rose, say they can’t go out to work as they could not survive on less than their £1,473-a-month benefits. Whilst this is one story MPs are moaning about the quality of food served in their highly-subsidised Parliament restaurants demonstrating they are clearly not in the real world. The list of grumbles includes “tough as old boots” roast beef and their gripes will shock taxpayers who pick up 75 % of the bill. If this isn't bad enough UK TAXPAYERS are set to cough up £6MILLION this year to pay the bills of hate cleric Abu Qatada. This man has told everyone how much he hates the west. The Islamic fanatic racked up legal costs of £5,000 A DAY last month after being allowed to stay in Britain. He will cost an astonishing £5MILLION this year to foot the security bill for the 52-year-old who has been closely monitored since his release from jail last November. There sems to be some agreement that an armed robber with a breathing problem who died when have-a-go punters tackled him as he raided a bookies, got what he deserved. Alan Levers, 50, burst into the Ladbrokes brandishing a handgun and wearing a gas mask. We are told he had a breathing problem. Two punters wrestled him to the floor and sat on him until cops arrived to find him unconscious ten minutes later. Paramedics tried to resuscitate Levers but declared him dead after 20 minutes in Plymouth, Devon.