13th Amendment Supporter~ Congressman Smithers

The Gist of Freedom   Preserving American History through Black Literature . . . show

Summary: Join The Gist of Freedom host Preston Washington as he welcomes Dr. Dalleo!  Dr. Dalleo will discuss Spielberg's Film Lincoln in the context of a supporter of the 13th amendment, "Senator Nathaniel B. Smithers an anti-slavery man, and a prohibitionist .  Smithers was Delaware's member of the House of Representatives when the 13th Amendment went through that chamber in 1865.  Dalleo Ph.D. in African history and interested in the diaspora. Recent presentation: "Afro-Bahamian Sailors in the Union Navy During the Civil War" member of the Underground Railroad Coalition - Delaware member of the Delaware Humanities Forum Visiting Scholar and Speakers Bureau- upcoming presentation January 10, 2013: Sail and Steam withAfrican-Delawarean Union Sailors During the Civil War at the Delaware History Society in Wilmington, Delaware