Oh Happy Day! (Part 1) (The Most Exciting and Eventful Week in History)

Gospel Light Minute X with Daniel Whyte III show

Summary: Sunday Evening Evangelistic Message #53 | Passion Week 2012 (#6) <br><br> Today, we come to part six of our week-long series titled "The Most Exciting and Eventful Week in History". Today has often been referred to as "Good Friday." It is the day when Jesus Christ was crucified over 2,000 years ago. If you ask anybody what the most important day in the history of the world is, you may get various answers. But against the backdrop of the rise and fall, the flow and ebb, the triumph and tragedy of human history, this day stands out above all others. <br><br> My message today is titled "O Happy Day". Now, you may be wondering, 'What can be happy about this day?' 'What can be good about this day?' This is a day when an innocent man was condemned to die. This is a day of agony and anguish, a day of trouble and tragedy, a day of darkness and death. This is a day when the perfect Son of God was cast aside by his own people -- the people he loved infinitely -- the people who chose a criminal instead of their Creator, a public enemy instead of the perfect Son of God. This is a day when a crown of thorns was crushed against the head of the King of the World. This is a day when whips drew blood from the back of the very one who holds life in his hands. What is good about this day? Why is this a happy day? <br><br> This day is a happy day because this is the day that Jesus Christ became the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world so that everyone who believes on Him can be saved. That is why we call it "Good Friday" - a happy day. <br><br> + Plus, listen to the Dorothy Norwood singing "Near the Cross" and David Crowder*Band singing "How He Loves"