CSC Episode 24: The Greatest Responsibility

Clone Saga Chronicles show

Summary: <a href=""></a>The gang of CloneHeads (Don, Gerard, Zach and Bertone) are back in a new episode talking about the final story that featured Peter Parker as the star of the Spider-Man titles before Ben Reilly would headline the books from that point onward. (Scarlet Spider replaced Spider-Man for two months… Before putting Ben Reilly as Spider-Man two months later)<br> Merry Christmas folks, a little early… from the CLONE HEADS.<br> To link to the XML rss feed <a href="">click</a> this link, To subscribe on iTunes click <a href="">this</a> link, and be sure to <a href=";sid=975fbae0695330482cf63ad91f639096">comment</a> on the message board, <a href="">email </a>us your thoughts or leave a voicemail at (818) 925-6631.<br>