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The Waves of Tech (Video)  - Technology impacts to life show

Summary: Waves of Tech is back after taking a week off for work obligations. We are glad to be back and joined by JD Sutter of Radio CSS Media (@RadioCSS). This episode, we dive into the endless cycle of credit fraud and theft, the decision Apple has made regarding iTunes Festival and Apple TV, and finally discuss the potential of McDonald’s creating their own mobile payment app. Join the crew this week!! Another day at the office (Paypal; My big mistake with OSX). Steve breaks down his recent troubles with Paypal and the untimely event of bank account fraud in the midst of his vacation and travel schedule. Apple TV, Cutting the cord, and iTunes Festival and App The trend continues – New media content providers and big time tech giants are finding ways of provide interesting content in very interesting ways. Apple has announced that the iTunes Festival will be streamed live via a dedicated mobile app and through their Apple TV service. This will provide users 30 days of musical action featuring 60 artists from around the world. Phones and Fries – A perfect meal McDonald’s is currently market testing a mobile payment application in select locations in Paris, France. If the success of the platform continues, lovers of the fast food chain can soon find the app available for the nearly 33,500 store locations in the United States. Similar to the Starbucks application, the McDonald’s service is connected to your PayPal account and may offer exclusive coupons and deals. What’s your thoughts on the application?