292 Podcast Answer Man – The Podcast Patent Lawsuit Against Content Creators And More Thoughts On My Trip To Las Vegas

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Summary: The Podcast Patent Lawsuit Against Content Creators I recently received an email from a very concerned podcaster, Jason Pyles, who notified me that one of the podcast networks that he was a part of was going to end all functions related to podcasts, effective January 31, 2013, as a result of hearing that podcasters are being sued by a company that claims to have a patent for podcasting. There are many rumors flying around related to this story and Jason's email includes two of the most prevalent rumors. It is true that there is a company, Personal Audio, LLC, that has sued three podcast networks for patentent infringement related to podcasting. It is true that Personal Audio, LLC has sued Apple, Inc over a DIFFERENT patent related to "playlists" and won an $8 Million judgement with an additional $4 Million in interest. However, Apple HAS NOT been sued over this podcasting patent. In this episode, I clearly explain that we are dealing with two different patent issues here. Another rumor that has been going around is that the podcast networks in question have settled out of court for these charges. While I do not have any definitive proof that this is factually incorrect, I am very familiar with many people who are directly involved with this matter and I have heard nothing about any sort of settlement. And one thing is for certain, there is no documentation, anywhere, that provides evidence for such a settlement. CLICK HERE FOR FULL SHOW NOTES