Episode 16: The Family that Debates (Hell) Together, with Adam and Melanie Zens

Rethinking Hell show

Summary: YouTube apologists Adam Zens, and his 15-year old daughter Melanie, join Rethinking Hell contributor Chris Date to discuss raising critical thinkers, and how to respectfully disagree with one’s family over the nature of hell. The Zenses Online Adam Zens’ YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheisticScuffles Melanie Zens’ YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/IndefatigableTheist Melanie also does voices for cartoons at: http://www.youtube.com/user/tektontv Melanie also participated in a written debate over Christianity versus Islam here. Adam’s and Melanie’s annihilationism debate videos: Melanie’s pro-annihilationism opening video Adam’s pro-traditionalism opening video Rebuttals video Audience questions video Adam’s closing video Melanie’s closing video RH articles mentioned during the interview “Punishment” and the Polysemy of Deverbal Nouns Double Jeopardy: Why Raise the Dead, Only to Destroy Them?