Pete Doesn’t Buy The Chin

Shoot The Glass show

Summary: The second episode of the Shoot The Glass Podcast is finally out, in which two cranky old bastards called Justin Gibson and Peter Wells talk about Ruben Fleischer's Gangster Squad and Disney's latest Wreck-It Ralph and conclude that they're admirable films that aren't bad at all and there's really nothing wrong with them and hey, what's not to like? We also discuss how often Rian Johnson's Looper appeared in people's best-of-2012 lists and wonder why it didn't get a mention in ours, and talk about the number of screeners you can find on the net this time of year and whether or not we ought to watch them. Also, Pete confuses Sean Penn and Al Pacino, and I confuse the films Hoodlum and Mobsters. Because we're just that good. I know you can't watch movies all the time, you have responsibilities and commitments. Your time is in short supply. Fortunately, the Shoot The Glass Podcast is just dandy to listen to while you're doing other things. While you do the dishes, say. Or clean up those Lego blocks the kids left strewn all over the lounge-room floor. Or maybe you're jogging. Well, we both know you're not jogging, because jogging is both hard and boring... but you know what goes perfectly with not jogging? The Shoot The Glass Podcast, that's what! (One thing -- the Skype gods were also a bit cranky on this recording, so in spite of our best efforts Pete's voice glitches occasionally... nothing major, though. You never actually lose the point of what he's saying. Still, sorry about that!) Enjoy! And feel free to leave comments below, or hit us up on twitter at @shoottheglass!