FursonaPod Ep04 – Furries Longing for Simpler Lives

FursonaPod show

Summary: NOTE: There's 20 seconds of no audio at the start of this cast. Don't worry, you're not missing anything, it's just intro music. I had some problems with getting this pod up, so just sit back and use that 20 seconds of silence to reflect upon the things in life that make you happy Audio will resume at about the 40 second mark. Zaaz: Yay! The podcast is up, better, and drunker than ever before ^_^ I know that I promised some people that this podcast was going to be about Furries in the Closet, and how to come out of it (or if you even should!), however, things got a bit out of hand (read ‘fun’) and I didn’t feel we could give this important topic the attention that it deserves, especially since we all have to go through it at some point or another if we truly are furry. Also, this is a bit of a stall tactic in waiting for a ‘surprise guest’ to get his ass in gear and get a mic so he can join us. Also, thank God that Spring is finally starting to show its skinny white ass around here. I’m so sick of -30 weather. Good for another year at least, anyways. Other than that, I’ve found a renewed love for drawing, specifically anthropes at the moment, but I suppose that goes hand in hand with my love for creating these podcasts. I’m also thinking of taking on commissions. Anyone interested? Anyone?? Have something you'd like to say? Email:listenermail@fursonapod.com