FursonaPod Ep09 – Organizing a Furry Meet

FursonaPod show

Summary: Zaaz:The content just keeps coming! Once again, please participate in our FursonaPod Survey! If you’ve ever wanted to let us know what you think about our product, this is the perfect way to let us know. Also, the Furry Meets and Conventions page has been revised to hopefully encourage more cons and meets to register for our verbal pimpery. Along with that, the Sask Furry Meet page has been updated to give you the full story on this meet, along with pics (so it DID happen!). Well, I think that’s all for now. Please keep those donations coming in so we can improve our guest’s audio quality. Hey, they deserve it for having to put up with us! Zaaz Have something you'd like to say? Email: listenermail@fursonapod.com Zaaz:Hello one and all! Sorry for the bit of a delayed post. I’m trying to get a bunch of everything organized while still tending to our newborn. It’s a bit wearing, but we still managed to make it out to Pike Lake for what’s now been renamed as the Sask Fur Meet. Check back in a couple days for pics because it DID happen! Also, we were fortunate to get the organizers of the meet, Rainbow Wally and Sulli, to join us on today’s podcast. Unfortunately, they didn’t want to record on site and we had to get back before our kid cooked in the sun (2 hour drive + no A/C = medium rare). So we very unfortunately had to record our old ghetto style of off-speaker, which turned out atrocious. So I do apologize for the poor audio quality of our guests, however I have found a solution! You’ll notice on the main site a button that looks just like this This will go towards purchasing an inexpensive piece of software that will allow us to greatly improve the audio quality of the podcast when we have guests on. The last thing that I wanted is to make FursonaPod a hand out site, as we’re more about giving furries a hand up, however one of the stipulations to keeping FursonaPod going is that we’re forbidden from spending any extra money on the site, other than our $5 monthly cost. So I would like to ask our listeners who enjoy what they hear to open up your credit card just a bit to help us out. As soon as we reach our goal of $30, then Poof! The donations button will disappear, just like that. One last thing for now is to please fill out our FursonaPod Survey. We want to know what you, our awesome fans, would like to see done with our podcast. As an added bonus for taking up some of your time, those who fill out the survey will be sent a sneak peek image of Moji and Zaaz having sex together!! It’s true! … maybe some details are being omitted, but totally true, so fill it out to check it out ^_^ Zaaz Have something you'd like to say? Email: listenermail@fursonapod.com