Finding Your Way In the Wild New World

Duct Tape Marketing show

Summary: Marketing podcast with Martha Beck (Click to play or right click and "Save As" to download - Subscribe now via iTunes or subscribe via other RSS device. The way that many people still think about work has its roots in the Industrial Revolution where workers were told to go to a place at a certain time and perform work to specific requirements until such time as the whistle blew signaling a time that we could now go home and be with our families. This concept of work then led people seek ways to create boundaries and balance that would allow them to then have a more fulfilling life outside of work. In many instances this simply led to an emotionless workplace where the clock was to be punched. The world has changed so radically over the last decade that the entire concept of work, and certainly the concept of workplace, has be been altered forever - the question though is have we caught up with these changes? The grand opportunity that exists today is that because you can choose to work in just about any way that suits your life, their is no reason to do work unless it feels like art to you. There's no reason to separate work from the things that charge and energize and fulfill you emotionally and spiritually. My guest for this week's episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast is Martha Beck, life coach and author of the new book Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want. Beck is a columnist for Oprah's O magazine and was a frequent guest on her show over the years. One of Beck's earlier books, Finding Your Own North Star should be required reading for every college student and perhaps every parent raising those college students. My favorite line from the interview is this: Love sells better than hate. Beck was talking about how your approach to what you're doing has a tremendous baring on the success of the venture. If you don't enjoy your work, it'll show. If you love what you're doing people will be attracted to that. So much of the belief about what is work and what our relationship to work should be is beaten into us as small children by school systems and even well intentioned, but equally battered, parents that breaking free sometimes takes years. My firm belief is that if you don't find a relationship with what you do for a living that also serves what you do for life, you'll constantly struggle with a false sense of teetering imbalance.