33 - Charlie's not square, but Dave might be

Hey, Let's Talk About This show

Summary: Hello and welcome to this weeks episode of hey lets talk about this. On this prehistoric episode we will be catching up with all the new year’s resolutions that everyones has already forgot about, we will discuss outsourcing this show to India and finally, we will ask the question is it cool to live in your parents basement and play videogames? So now let’s introduce you to the therapeutic voices of the evening. Some say that the smell of his sweat is an aphrodisiac for life itself: It’s Charlie It is said that he is the creator of the awkwardness, that is felt, at a 4-way stop: It’s Dane It’s believed that he grew up living in the pouch of Captain Kangaroo and because of that, that is why he has a phobia of the continent, Australia: It’s Dave. - And I am Jon and I will be sharing who I am with all of you. Show 1-19-13 Icebreakers: Three weeks into 2013. How are those resolutions coming along? Oh, it’s ok everyone else has given up too.; http://mashable.com/2013/01/09/failing-new-years-resolutions/ M.C.M.W.: Die Hard: With a Vengeance Die Hard Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=866yr_Oj5IA How does this movie hold up in franchise thus far? Pros and Cons to this movie? Did this “really” feel like a “Die Hard-esc” movie? Overall thoughts on the movie. Grading with a vengeance. M.C.M.W.: Live Free or Die Hard H.L.G.A.T.: When none of the burners work on my electric stove. When my laptop is too cold to touch. When I get too hot because of the heater in the house that I have to open a window but then I get too cold because it’s below 0 outside. - Chaffing Be sure to stay tuned for the Tech Talk, AYFKM, Quick Hits, our POW and WDYLOTWS. Coming up we got a videogame console worth $20 GRAND, a stinky Cobra and has the Rock become a god? So hang in there we got those topics and more coming up but first we’re going to take a quick break. TECH Talk: Q is dead!: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/18/google-quietly-kills-its-nexus-q-streaming-box Do you see what I see?: http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/vuzix-m100-smart-glasses-may-beat-google-glass-to-market-15-01-2013/ Video explain the glasses: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ib-zZHGZiIg - “Hey check out these ice cubes that blink different colors and helps me control my drinking. (Five drinks later) “Holy hell these ice cubes in my drink are tripping me out and giving me a headache! Huh? I bet they are calling down the aliens.” (Friend) “Dude, I think your ice cubes don’t work.” http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/mit-researcher-creates-ice-cubes-to-track-alcohol-intake-video-10-01-2013/ “Shut up Hal! Just do what I tell you!”: http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/personal-hal-9000-computer-available-for-500-video-16-01-2013/ “Do you live in your parents basement? Are you unemployed? Do you have all day to do nothing? Well.....prepare to have all day to do something!: http://www.geeky-gadgets.com/ultimate-arcade-cabinet-packed-with-50000-games-for-20000-video-15-01-2013/ A.Y.F.K.M.: “Yes! Now I can buy a gold shirt!”: http://www.geekologie.com/2013/01/man-finds-11-lb-300k-gold-nugget-w-metal.php It’s like Office Space but.....Not really: http://www.geekologie.com/2013/01/developer-fired-after-he-outsourced-his.php Uh...uh...You will remember to wash your hands before you eat anything: http://www.geekologie.com/2013/01/800-pound-cobra-sculptued-from-frozen-co.php Aaannndddd...the FDA says, “HELL NO!!!”: http://www.geekologie.com/2013/01/this-will-end-bad-35-alcohol-vaporizer-g.php Hands check!!: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/york-youth-soccer-club-bans-high-fives-handshakes-201533800.html “Quick Hits”(Child Please!): 4 dudes in a hot tub? We loved it the 1st time, so let’s go round 2!: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/16/hot-tub-time-machine-2-anyone 1 down 8 to go?: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/14/anne-hathaway-keen-on-catwoman-spin-off Did Netflix just go from a D to a C, as far as TV goes?: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/14/cartoon-network-and-adult-swim-series-coming-to-netflix Moviestrong. Yep, that’s right and guess whose making it: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/18/jj-abrams-to-produce-lance-armstrong-movie The Rock is strong but is he Hercules strong?: http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/17/brett-ratners-hercules-moves-forward 2014: Battle of the mythical warriors, Conan VS Hercules.