Remade: Reject Religion

Eastbrook Church Sermons show

Summary: Reject Religion [ Remade: The Gospel of Mark Part 3] Texts: Mark 11:12-25 January 19/20, 2013 Pastor Will Branch On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. (Mark 11:15) The Fig Tree Full of leaves Absent of fruit Cursed The Temple Full of activity Absent of God Ripe for God's judgment Our Temple We are full of activity Is it bearing fruit? Are we ripe for harvest or judgment? Discussion Questions Talk about your church history and involvement. Why do you come to church? What fruit does it produce: in your life? in the body of Christ? in the world? Read Mark 11:12-25. Compare the fig tree and the temple. What does this tell us about: God's expectations for the church? God's expectations for us as His temple? How can we as the Body Christ do a better job of reproducing Christ? What are some specific ways you as an individual can better reproduce Christ in your own life?