Myths about Court and Laws - Jan 20,2013

Let Me Strive to Never Be Defined show

Summary: Ya'll will soon see why I say naming you're child at birth is statist. Can't wait to explain what I mean by that. after I do... then you can call me crazy. Until then, don't even bother telling me I am wrong. You can, it's just not going to do any good. I'd love to listen and be corrected...after I explain It though. I will talk about it on the show tonight, but I hope to have a special guest on within a few days who can explain it much better than I. It's time to stop the talking and take the action needed to recaim our rights as soverign individuals. Great thing is, you need no one but yourself to Start the process! Anarchism to me (i mean AnnArchisim... it's my word so you cant use dictionary crap on me if u think i dont understand the word. I freaking understand it in my soul) to me its also a way of just "knowing" when you see BS and fraud in front of you. It's like a hatred of those who use authority against people, who never had the authority over them in the first place. I realize now, not everyone looks at the world in the same way. I didn't see how much my perspective has changed until it comes to things like this and the backlash I get just from stating my intent to explain where I am coming from and what I see. It's like, a bull shit detector grows on you! I used to be the most gullible girl out there, so if I can see through the bs anyone can! It's just a feeling of knowing what is right in my heart and an inability to keep it to myself when I see where people are clearly being taken advantage of. I don't care if it sounds silly, because I know I am on the right side of history here and have the smartest guys to back me up on this. I'm hardly ever this confident about my something. It just feels nice when you sense something off with some practice that almost everyone else in society sees nothing wrong with, and then later find out and understand the reason behind it was valid.