LOTRO Reporter Episode 167 – Ents in Space!!

LOTRO Reporter Podcast show

Summary: Chris, Cari, and Layanor discuss LOTRO store sales, and space combat. We also talk about Chris' dearest wish to play as an Ent. Listen now: What We Did This Week Layanor- I am highest rated warden on the server. Rating 2000. Doesn't mean much but I never had it before so thought that was neat. Was then killed and dropped to 1,430. I have screenshots tho! Max Audacity on my creep. Tier 13. Cari- Level 83 on Alinniel. Currently in Eaworth delivering blankets and food to the lazy no good er poor refugees of that community Attended the BBB Concert - The trolls are driving me crazy. Ran some of the Moria Instances for deeds. Leveled Cynniel on Brandywine to level 17. Chris- Norcorfts done. Ding 81! Going through the Entwash Vale now, and just got the quest to kill Orcs in the shadow of Fangorn. So excited to get so close to Ents! Maybe I’ll glitch out and become an Ent! News Turbine Tests Some Store Sales Changes http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?496638-Store-Sales-web-page-January-11th-17th Turbine decided to try out forcing us to log in to the game if we want see the sales instead of listing them. They solicited feedback. You can guess it wasn't positive. They will not be making a change to the store sales page on the website. Goldenstar said this was in response to making the store less in your face. Is Space Combat Coming to LOTRO? http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?&postid=6621728#post6621728 Did You Know™ You can link multiple Free-To-Play accounts to your existing Turbine subscription. This is extremely useful when you want to own multiple houses, or create enough alts to make your own kinship. You can set up these accounts so that they are all accessed with a single login and password! Here's how to set it up: * Go to http://support.turbine.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=24001&task=ticket. This is the Turbine support center. * Choose the Account support team for LotRO. * Choose the Request Type: New Free Account Key Request. * Your key will show up via email in a couple of days. * Log in to myaccount.turbine.com and add the key to your existing account. * Restart LotRO and voila, the new login box appears with account selection! Not only can you buy another house through this linked subscription, it activates as a Premium account! NOTE: Premium status may be for a limited time.  If you are making alts to start your own kinship, try to create all of your alt characters, level them out of the starting zone, and invite them into the kinship within the first few days. Thank you to Kinnie Kiralynn of Rohan owner of the Windy Acres Ranch for sharing. Community Earning TP in ROR http://lotrostrategery.wordpress.com/2013/01/09/earning-turbine-points-rise-of-isengard-vs-riders-of-rohan/#more-1064 On the whole, the amount of earnable Turbine Points (TP) in-game from deeds is much less in Riders of Rohan than in Rise of Isengard. Exactly two-thirds less (380 vs. 570 TP). This gap is due in large part because Rohan’s instances do not award any Turbine Points whereas Isengard’s awards 5 TP for most of them, 10 TP for the meta-deeds. Cari: Why did I see three of the same character running one right after the other? It looked like a really weird. The first one would do something and then the other two would do it right afterwards. Classic LOTRO community video The Reaver Charge by Shanehere http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ugLLurqEBs&list=UUxi5RqTiPKdqjpoNdUX8f0A&index=15 Were’ taking the Harry to PAX help us out. New show on the network. WoW Pet Battles Contact Information: email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com twitter: @lotroreporter facebook: LOTRO Reporter Voicemail: 616-666-6778 youtube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork www.lotroreporter.com Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor