It's Not Your Time

Don Woods show

Summary: The news this week has featured a helicopter which hit a crane in London and crashed down into the street….the amazing thing about this is only the pilot and a pedestrian were killed…considering it was on a busy road in the rush hour…and the driver of the crane has overslept for the first time in his life…otherwise he would have been a gonner….lucky or what… There was a programme on parking fees which featured this bloke who refused to pay them…to make a point….he deliberately parked in places where the yellow lines had been tarmaced over and in parking bays where the line was worn….announcing that he was in his rights and intended to take the council to the high court…which he did…and lost…40 grand…oooh…..cost the silly boy his house. They had a mens' fashion show in London….there were blokes strutting down the catwalk with huge dalek-like woollen headgear with just their eyes poking out and a bare midriff…and another bloke had criss cross broken fencing across his face (looked like the result of a terrible motor bike accident)…and other blokes with hideous skirts…. English Heritage have stopped putting up blue plaques on famous peoples houses….they say it’s due to costs???...I would say it’s because they have to keep taking them down when the celeb is suddenly found out to be a sex offender…and if you want to go and watch a football match at Arsenal it will cost you 62 quid…plus the extortionate train fare…good value eh? ..finally….HMV have gone under….…the music industry has been far too greedy for far too long.They never ran with the pack and now they have been left behind…GOOD!!!....when I was working we had to go out and nick people for selling cheap pirated cassettes….when the record companies could have charged the same and still made loads…In the cassette days you would have to pay 10 – 12 quid for a cassette….the raw materials cost 17 PENCE.