Ordinary Time 9 - March 6, 2011 - Fr. Boyer

St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church :. Homilies show

Summary: Deuteronomy 11:18,26-28,32 + Psalm 31 + Romans 3:21-25,28 + Matthew 7: 21-27 Now comes the conclusion of the great Sermon on the Mount, and just in time for Lent to begin on Wednesday. Both Matthew who gives us a two chapter “Sermon on the Mount” and Luke who gives us a “Sermon on the Plain” conclude the sermons with a parable about wise and foolish builders. Once more as the first reading makes clear, our lives and our futre depend upon the choices we make today. The choice here however is not about home building. People who have studied the symbols that recur in our dreams have identified the hosue as one of the most primal symbols of them all. There is a strong consensus that when we dream of a house we are symbolozing ourselves, and the condidtion of the house reflects how we are doing at the present moment in the project of our lives. If the house in our deams is chaotic or in disrepair, we are probably living through a rough time. If in a dream the hosue is secure and famialiar and easy to get around in, things are probably going well. With this very interesting symbol, Jesus speaks not about house-building but of life building: of a life lived wisely or a life lived foolishly. His focus for us, his disciples is hearing the Word which is nothing less than learning the will of God. Being a disciple is not a matter of drifting along in a direction set long ago, but rather it is a matter of deliberate and conscious choice to hear and act on the word. Hearing and Doing: this is what is requred to put your life in order. Hearing and Doing is what it takes to be able to withstand the wind, the storms of life, the floods of disasters that come upon us all. When we hear and do the word of God, nothing can take us down. Yet, knowing what it means to do the Will of God is not always so clear and so easy. How do we ever really know what is God’s will? There are four times in Matthew’s Gospel when Jesus speaks of the will of his “Father.” 1)   The first is when he teaches his disciples to pray: “thy will be done, on earth as in heaven.” The phrase is in the passive voice. The prayer asks God to accomplish the divine will on earth as in heaven without giving any specifics about how we participate in that taks. 2)   The second is when the mother of Jesus and his siblings search for him and Jesus assures his disciples that “whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.” Here Jesus assures his disciples that doing God’s will, not a blood relationship, cements family bonds with Jesus. Again, what constitutes doing the will of God is not spelled out. 3)   A third time, Jesus concludes a parable on the lost sheep, saying, “In just the same way, is it not the will of your heavenly Father that one of these little ones be lost?” In Matthew’s context it is an instruction to church leaders to seek after any of the little ones who are lost. Here we get a better sense of what it means to do God’s will: prizing the most insignificant one to such a degree that a we would risk everything to seach for the one that is lost. Great joy is the consequence of doing this. 4)   The last example is more sobering. It is in Gethsemane, and three times Jesus prays: “My Father, if it is possible, let his cup pass form me: yet, not as I will, but as you will.” At the greatest moment of the Gospel, God’s will is manifest. It is not that God wills suffering and death; but rather passion and death is the consequence of having lived a life relentlessly pursuing a ministry centered on God’s desire for life and the good of all. Just as Jesus alienated the powerful by preaching God’s will for life for all, anyone following in his footsteps inevitably faces persecution, and even death. So what is doing God’s will? It is seeking the lost, caring for them, finding them, lifting them up, and bringing them home at any cost; and it is finding Joy in doing so. How do we know God’s Will?  If it has something to do with life and life to the fullest, it has something to do with God’s will. These are the choices: play it safe and lose, or do something and win the prize. There is no middle ground. The question we ask and must ponder is how can we participate in fulfilling the words of that prayer we say so easily, and sometimes so thoughtlessly: “they will be done.” Well, it means that we do the kinds of things Jesus did: and more --- yes, and more. Don’t miss that part of this Gospel where those who said: “Lord, Lord, and prophesied in the name of Jesus, cast out demons in his name and did other mighty deeds are called evildoers. The Pharasees did great things in God’s name, but they were empty tombs. The reason for doing great things must come from within - within the Word of God. Look at this way. There are two ways. One is sand and one is rock. If you want to succeed in life there are certain pillars upon which to build. Look after yourself, If you don’t, nobody else will. Follow every path that advances your self interest. Never ask if something is right, only if it benefits you. Be ambitious. This means that on occasions you will have to throw your weight around, which means people may get hurt. But don’t let that rob you of any sleep. People get hurt all the time. Get to know the people who matter, forget about the people who don’t. Do not hesitate to look religious if you have to. Keep up the facde of outer observance if it enhances your respectability. But do not let religion rob you of one single comfort or pleasure. Never let it interfere with your standard of living. Perhaps there is a better way. Make a choice. Remember, you are a human being and a child of God. The most important thing about you is your capacity for goodness. If you raise your status, make sure you raise yourself too. What sense is there in advancing your career withour advancing your character. What does it mean to be in the limelite if your soul is in the dark? What if your bank account is bursting and your heart is breaking? Take care of your conscience. Listen to it. It may be God talking, and without a conscience how can you call yourself a human being? Do not be afriad of sacrifice. Without sacrifice and struggle you never grow up and discover who you are. Be faithful to your promises. Living loosely is to discover one day sooner or later, that you haven’t anchored your boat to anything solid. Fidelity is beautiful. It is a precious stone, a true gem. Do not be ashamed of your belief and values. Without beliefs and convictions, you are no better than ship without rudder or port of destination. Make a choice here. Do the will of God. It is not enough to just listen. We have to act and live from the word that is deep in our hearts and minds.