KritzKast #203: Taking the Piston

KritzKast show

Summary: Hold on to your hats lads, we’re losing a few species of unusual headgear. Valve are messing with the status quo a little and taking the hats first introduced to the game, back out of the game. Never fear though, there’s new items on the way. The Cave has promo items,  Last Straw, Grizzled Growth and Prize Plushy. You’re in luck if you need to raise some dosh to buy Steam games as the Steam Community Market is now accepting Genuine items too. On to the awesomest news we’ve heard in 2013; Gabe Newell has fessed up to The Nerdist Podcast (at the 1hr, 1min mark) that a 15 minute TF2 film is in the works. In other steam news valve showed off their first official Steam Box – the Xi3 Piston at CES 2013 and there are more boxes in the works. Gabe takes the time to explain why a full on body suit controller isn’t the best solution. Ruskeydoo gets his name in PCGamer with an article about item makers. We also get to see what Robin Walker looks like in a second article. No pics of this brother Kevin though. News on MagicalKillaCow‘s mini marathon for Cancer Research UK: over £1111.11 was donated on the day, far exceeding his original aspirations. Our thanks to everyone who donated or came alone, or both. Special mention to Helene for working tirelessly to make sure everyone showed up and had a good time. Speaking of fun on our servers, and Helene, we’re now running a KillCam comp. The idea is that the admin of the week will be wearing an orange Max head called First Among Equals. Get yourself killed by them, take their pic and post it here. The best/funniest/weirdest image wins the prize of the month.