Mac Tip Podcast – #023 – Moving and Sizing the Dock with your mouse

Mac Tip Podcast show

Summary: (/images/MTP_600x600.jpg) In this episode of Mac Tip Podcast; Moving and Sizing the Dock with your mouse Download Episode: Click here ( Sponsors: GotoMeeting Hold your meetings online for just $49/mo. Try GoToMeeting FREE for 30 days. ( And by Hostgator with 99.9% uptime, 45 Day Money Back Guarantee and plans as low as $4.95. Visit for more Info ( Show Notes: Okay, so you’re working in a program which takes up every vertical inch of the screen, like Final Cut Pro or iMovie, and when you go to adjust something near the bottom, the Dock keeps popping up. Oh sure, you could move the Dock to where it’s anchored on the left or right side of the screen, but most people dont like the look or feel of having the dock on the sides of the screen. But what if you could move it temporarily to the left or right, and then put it back on the bottom when your done?, and do this with one click and one key? Here’s how: Hold the Shift key, click on your Dock’s divider line (the one to the far right side of the Dock), and drag the Dock to the left or right side of your screen. Then, once you quit with the program, just Shift/click on that divider line and place it back on the bottom. You can even shrink or enlarge the dock by clicking on the divider and move your mouse up to enlarge or move you mouse down to shrink the dock, man I can even see the dock isnt that cool or what? And that going to do it for this episode of Mac Tip Podcast I hope you enjoyed it. The music for this podcast, preformed by Professor Kliq ( and our announcer was Josh Philpott If you have any comments, questions or tips? Please send them to ( Or leave a voice mail on my hot-line (304) 449-4335 Twitter users can follow the show at ( If you used iTunes to download this show, Please write a review it helps get this show in the ranks of all the other great Mac Podcasts out there And your always you are welcome to leave comments on the website, ( Thank you and Stay Subscribed