Roller Coasters

CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: Jeremy grinned as he and his sister stood in line for their first ride on the new Thrillinator roller coaster. "Before you know it, we'll be zooming down those slick, metal rails--upside-down, downside-up and every which-way in between," said Jeremy. "I can hardly wait!" "I can!" replied Tiffany. "I can't believe you like doing this stuff! This thing will hurl us at incredibly dangerous speeds through insane twists and turns and drops. I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to ride this terror-mobile with you!" Jeremy laughed. "I know what you were thinking," he said. "You wanted the funnel cake I promised to buy you for going on the roller coaster with me." He had agreed to buy it for her because it always felt weird to ride a roller coaster alone. "Besides," he added, "roller coasters have a good lesson for you. Remember what Dad compared them to?" "Sure," said Tiffany. "Dad said a roller coaster is something like life--full of ups and downs." She shook her head. "It seems like our family's been going through a lot of the downs lately. Aunt Susie died and Mom's been sick, and our dog is lost." She frowned. "Like I said, I don't really like roller coasters." "Well, don't forget what else Dad told us," said Jeremy, grinning as the Thrillinator came to a halt. It was their turn next. "Dad said roller coasters were carefully designed with safety in mind, and that we'd spend less time worrying if we'd remember that our lives are, too." Tiffany nodded as they both moved forward to climb into the waiting car. "I remember," she replied. "He said we're in the hands of the Great Designer--a loving God who knows what's best and helps us face all the high and low points ahead." Jeremy recalled Dad's reminder that if they were faithful to the Lord, there would be a reward in heaven someday. Kinda like Tiffany will receive her funnel-cake reward for riding the roller coaster with me, he thought. He was ready to explain that to her, but she shrieked as the roller coaster suddenly jerked ahead. They were about to begin racing through corkscrew turns and zooming down steep hills. "Don't forget--it's safe," Jeremy yelled to his sister. He smiled. He knew they had nothing to fear in life, either. How About You? Do you get scared when you think about the future? Maybe someone in your family is sick, and it really worries you. Maybe you're moving and will need to make new friends. Maybe school is becoming too difficult. You can't know what's going to happen in life, but you can trust your Heavenly Father to take care of you as you go through it. Then you'll enjoy the ride of life a little more, and you'll fear the twists and turns a little less. Today's Key Verse: He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. (Job 23:10) Today's Key Thought: Trust God through ups and downs