CBH Ministries - Keys for Kids show

Summary: "I wish I could have actually seen a space shuttle launch," said Clay one evening. "At school today, we had a film about one. It showed a lot of the stuff the astronauts had to do, and we heard clips of them talking to the space control center. It was really cool, but it's not like seeing it for real!" "Well, they aren't doing any launches now, but they probably will again sometime in the future. So why don't you study to be an astronaut?" suggested his brother Patrick. "I heard on the news not long ago that they're working on a new spacecraft. Maybe someday you could not only see a launch, you could take off on a spaceship." "Maybe I will," replied Clay. "Not me," put in their sister Grace. "I wouldn't like to wear those special uniforms they have to put on. They're not very pretty!" The boys laughed. "Who cares about that?" scoffed Patrick. "I do," declared Grace, "and I'm not going on any spaceship, either. It might crash right back down to the earth!" Mom smiled. "Are you kids aware that all Christians will participate in a liftoff someday?" she asked. "They will? Oh . . . you mean when Jesus comes, don't you?" asked Grace. "That's right," said Mom. "When Jesus returns, He'll take all those who believe in Him to heaven." Patrick nodded. "Without using a spaceship," he said. "Or those ugly clothes," said Grace. "No, we won't need those kinds of uniforms or spaceships," agreed Mom, "and it will all happen much quicker than the spaceship launch. It will be as quick as a flash--or as the Bible puts it, 'in the twinkling of an eye.' It will be a wonderful event when Jesus comes again." "Well, even if I never do get to take off in one of our spaceships, I'll take part in the lift-off when Jesus comes," said Clay. He grinned. "Who knows? Maybe I'll get to do both." How About You? Will you take part in the special liftoff that is coming--the one that will take place when Jesus returns? Do you trust in Him as Savior? When Jesus comes back in the clouds, all who have placed their faith in Him will rise to be with Him. If you haven't done that, don't wait. Accept Him right now--He may come back today! (Click on the ABCs of Salvation link on the right.) Today's Key Verse: (Jesus said) "I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also." (John 14:3) Today's Key Thought: Be ready for lift-off with Jesus