Ecommerce Odyssey Podcast show

Ecommerce Odyssey Podcast

Summary: Trevor Ginn from interviews some of the most interesting people in eCommerce. We talk about everything required to start and run an online business including marketing, logistics, product sourcing and marketplaces. is an eCommerce marketing agency specialising in online marketplaces and ecommerce platforms.

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 Using charitable giving to boost your eCommerce sales with Andrew Forman from Givz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1257

Fascinating interview on the Ecommerce Odyssey Podcast with Andrew Forman, the founder of Givz. Givz enables any Shopify merchant to set up their own Amazon Smile style charitable donation service. Instead of opting for a discount, customer can donate their discount to a charity of their choice. I was unconvinced to begin with but in the end, I was sold on the idea!Things we talked about:How did you get the idea for givz?What problem does Givz solve?Why is this better than discounts?What is your pricing model?Are consumers driven by factors other than price?How are brands embracing social responsibility?What success have you seen?What has inspired you recently?Andrew talked to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Launching an Own Label Brand & Optimising Amazon PPC with Travis Zigler from Eye Love & Profitable Pineapple | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1648

Dr Travis Zigler is an optometrist (eye doctor) turned eCommerce entrepreneur. Previously, he owned two optometry practices, which he sold in 2017 to focus on eCommerce. He is the founder of Eye Love, a brand focusing on a condition known as dry eye. Travis uses the profits from Eye Love to fund free clinics in Jamaica and the US through their charity, the Eye Love Cares Foundation.Due to the success of Eye Love, Travis has founded an Amazon PPC agency called Profitable Pineapple (great name!). We talk about his entrepreneurial journey and how he uses his eCommerce success to give back to the community.Things we talked about:Tell me about your business – Eye Love.How did you get the idea?Tell us about your social mission.Where do you source your products?What channels do you sell through?You also run an agency, can you tell me about this?What services do you offer?What kind of businesses do you work for?What are your top Amazon PPC tips?Do you prefer eCommerce or being a doctor?What has inspired you recently?Travis talked to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 How to Sell your eCommerce Business - Interview with Ben Leonard from Ecom Brokers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1729

In this episode of the eCommerce Odyssey Podcast, Trevor talks to Ben Leonard from Ecom Brokers ( Brokers was founded by Ben Leonard and Allison Walker. Ben had recently gone through the sales of his eCommerce business and was not happy with the brokers he used for the sale. So, he partnered withed his financial adviser to create a new kind of brokerage focused on the growing eCommerce sector.We talked about:Tell me about your company.How did you get the idea for Ecom brokers?What kind of businesses do you sell?When is an idea time to sell?What kind of multiples should people expect?How should you prepare your company for sale?How does your process work?Top tip for realising the value in your company?What has inspired you recently?Ben was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Conversion Rate Optimisation & Conversion Value optimisation with Valentin Radu from Omniconvert | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1477

In this episode of eCommerce Odyssey we talk to Valentin Radu from Omniconvert. Omniconvert is a growth enabler for serious eCommerce companies looking to become customer-centric. Omniconvert has helps global eCommerce companies become customer-centric through advanced segmentation algorithms, AB testing, web personalisation, and customer research.We talked about:Tell us about OmniconvertHow are smart companies managing their website CRO?How do you see websites evolving over the next few years?Will services like Shopify mean all websites are the same?What is your favourite eCommerce growth tactic post iOS 15?How should companies best use zero and first-party data to grow?What are your tips for increasing customer lifetime value?What is customer value optimisation in Ecommerce?Do you think that CRO will merge with CVO?What has inspired you recently?Valentin was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Get Actionable insights from your Amazon Sales data with Rael Cline from | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1472

In this episode of the eCommerce Odyssey Podcast, we talk to Rael Cline from Nozzle turns raw data into actionable insights that help you grow your business on Amazon.Amazon sellers have long been frustrated with the lack of customer data available to them. This data is essential for making informed business decisions but has been locked away by Amazon. Nozzle Analytics gives you back control of your sales and customer data. With this powerful tool, you can track your sales in real-time, as well as gain insights into your customers’ buying habits.We talked about:What doesWhere Rael got the idea fromHow the best Amazon sellers are using Nozzle to grow their businessHow Rael sees Amazon progressing over the next few yearsWhat has inspired him recentlyRael was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Interview with Kaitlyn Study of South Street and Co Marketing Agency | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1085

In this week's edition of the eCommerce Odyssey Podcast, Trevor talks to Kaitlyn Study of South Street and Co, a marketing agency based in Orlando, Florida, USA.South Street & Co. was established in 2015 and helps small business owners reach more customers through great digital marketing, design and automation.Kaitlyn Study original set her business up as a side hustle, and it quickly grew into a full-time business.We discussed:How Kaitlyn started South Street and coThe importance of local searchMarketing automationThe platforms they useThe importance of coachingKaitlyn's advice for starting your side hustle!What has inspired her recentlyKaitlyn talked to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Raising money to grow your Amazon business with Juan Ignacio García Braschi from Boopos | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 826

Boopos is a financial company founded by Juan Ignacio García Braschi. They are focused on helping e-commerce companies fund acquisitions. They provide non-dilutive revenue-based financing to e-Commerce and Saas Businesses. Get mid to long term and multipurpose financing to buy a new business or grow your own.Juan was talking to Trevor Ginn from www., an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Building a White/Own label brand business on Amazon with Issac Kuhlman from Real Coaching | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2212

In this episode of the eCommerce Odyssey Podcast, Trevor talks to Issac Kuhlman from Real Coaching ( Real coaching is a programme that helps Amazon FBA businesses launch and scale their businesses. Issac is free from the BS which surrounds many coaches and has lots of thoughtful advice for new businesses.We discuss:The Real coaching programmeHis experiences of Amazon before launching RealWhat makes his coaching programme specialIs it becoming more difficult to sell on Amazon?The most important skills required when building an Amazon FBA businessWhite label or own label?Where he thinks Amazon is heading as a platformWhat has inspired him recentlyIssac was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Running a successful Amazon business with Lesley Hensell from Riverbend Consulting | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2321

Trevor interviews Lesley Hensell from Riverbend consulting ( specialises in the nitty-gritty of Amazon, helping sellers fix issues with their accounts and listings. They also help their clients scale their Amazon businesses.Lesley has many useful insights and tips to share if you are interested in Amazon. We talk about how to deal with account suspensions and avoid issues in the first place. Lesley also shares her views on the future of Amazon and eCommerce in general.Lesley talked to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Interview with Simon Severino, CEO and founder of Strategy Sprints | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1030

Simon Severino is the CEO and founder of Strategy Sprints. Strategy Sprints helps companies scale quickly whilst freeing up the time of the company's exec team to focus on building their business.Simon was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Streamlining your eCommerce with Norbert Strappler from Syncspider - eCommerce Integration Platform | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 2191

In this episode talk with Nobert Norbert Strappler from SyncSpider ( Syncspider connects eCommerce tools, for example, reducing stock on Amazon if you make a sale on eBay. Like Zapier, but eCommerce specific.Integration is a real problem in eCommerce, so it was fascinating to talk to Nobert and why he started Syncspider and what keeps him excited about eCommerce.Nobert was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Sourcing products for Amazon FBA & Private Label with Tomer from Sourcing Monster | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1623

Today's interview is with Tomer from @SourcingMonster. Sourcing monster is a YouTube channel devoted to helping people succeed at developing private-label products and selling them on Amazon FBA. Tomer runs his own FBA business and is very generous with his advice. Setting up a private label business is not easy, but Tomer has inspired me to give it a try! was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 How to Survive Amazon Account Suspensions | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 872

As an Amazon seller, getting your seller account suspended can be a terrifying experience. The process is opaque, unaccountable and it is not possible to talk to anyone. In my opinion, it is a manifestation of Amazon’s unaccountable monopoly at its very worst.In the episode, we look at the cause for Amazon account suspensions, how to avoid them and how to deal with them if they arise.Ecommerce odyssey is presented by Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Running a podcasting/publishing business with Chloe Thomas - Ecommerce MasterPlan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1410

Our latest podcast interview is with the wonderful Chloe Thomas from eCommerce MasterPlan. Chloe runs a successful eCommerce Podcast as well as being a writer of several books and a speaker.We talked about:Tell us about what you do?How did you get started?How do you describe yourself – a writer, podcaster, eCommerce nerd?You work with a number of channels e.g. podcast, books etc. Which gets the best engagement?Which do you enjoy most?How long do you think it requires to get traction with a podcast/training business?What has inspired you recently?If you have time, I recommend checking out the eCommerce MasterPlan podcast and her other podcast Keep OptimisingChloe was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.

 Increasing eCommerce conversion rate with negotiation chatbots with Rosie Bailey from Nibble | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1256

In this episode Trevor interviews Rosie Bailey from Nibble - a negotiation chatbot which makes haggling on your website fun! Questions we asked Rosie include:Can you tell me what Nibble is all about?Is this just a gimmick or the future of ecommerce?What results are you seeing for customers?What features are you planning in the future?Will you be integrating this with other chat systems like WhatsAppWhat has inspired you recently?Rosie was talking to Trevor Ginn from, an eCommerce agency specialising in online marketplaces and e-commerce sales platforms.


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